Road Trip to Baadiyo Visiting baadiyo or the bush/savanna/rural area - or whatever you want to call it - was the best part of my trip. I absolutely loved it! With my three maternal aunts, some of their children (all couldn't go with us, there's too many!), and maternal grandmother, my family decided to spend a day visiting my cousin and her family. All together, there was 20 of us visiting my mother's niece. We all managed to fit in my second cousin's minibus. Along the way we were stopped at several security checkpoints (where you have to pay to pass through) before we could finally get to my cousin's home which was actually close to the city. It was just mesmerizing. There was no pavement, just dirt, which was a reddish-brown colour and some patches of grass here and there. My cousin's home was fascinating. It looked like something straight out of a National Geographic magazine. She lived in a small compound that was enclosed by a fence made of t...