
Showing posts from October, 2014


So I came across this scene from Jesus of Nazareth : Look at the women...and how they're dressed. OH MY GOD! THEY LOOK LIKE MUSLIM WOMEN!!!! WHAT IS GOING ON?! Please, have a seat. Have a cup of tea and allow me to enlighten you. Be honest with yourself. Do those women from the film look any different from  these   women?:  Admit it. You know they don't. Yet...the hijaab is such a strange concept for many non-Muslims when it shouldn't be - especially for Christians and Jews.  Sometimes when I walk down the street people stare at me. Sometimes people will ask me why I wear it and it's just so foreign and alien to them.  When I was 10 years old, my family moved to a small city that wasn't very multicultural. Forget the fact that there were very few Black students in the school. My sisters and I were the ONLY students in the ENTIRE school who wore the hijaab. I remember my first day of school like it was yesterday. ...


Okay so super serious conversation today... So I was watching a video (you can watch it   here ) uploaded by MyInvisibleChyrsalis, one of my fave YouTubers, where she talks about struggling with depression for months. She'd been uploading videos during her depression and I never would have guessed she'd been going through something. I really took it in how you never know what someone is going through on the inside. On the outside, they're cheerful, happy, and have everything going for them. It's all a facade...because inside, they're going through some serious shiz and you would never have even thought it. This is why you gotta ask people how they're doing and truly mean it. They could be smiling at you and it seems as if things are normal, but inside, the simple and sincere question of "How are you doing?" has made their day. I remembered the time when I was going through depression. I hid it from many people including my family. I di...