
Showing posts from 2016


T he fact that Muslims are asking about rulings on whether they can support BLM or ju st one of the many examples of racism against blacks within the Muslim community. Seriously, wtf. I've had enough of this crap.  Yes we should also protest against the loss of Muslim lives in Iraq, Somalia and all those other places but they're not getting killed for being Muslims. Muslims are killing Muslims. The same people killing the same people. Over here, Black people are getting killed by White police officers for being Black because of the colour of their skin. A different race killing those of a different race. That's the difference and hence the name "Black lives matter" because clearly they don't to many racist White police officers. The sheikh also says it's hypocritical for Muslims to support Black lives and not Muslim lives. He said this movement is something for "them" and not for "us". He is completely  ignoran...