Hi everyone! I'm back in Canada safe and sound! Alhamdulillah! I'm so happy to be home. I've never missed my home so much. Neither have I missed nor appreciated food in Canada, my bed, my stove, and yes, even my washing machine!

My trip to Mogadishu with my family was definitely a humbling one. I've never appreciated the life we have as much as I do now. You only come to understand and appreciate your life when you put yourself in someone else' shoes. I was already somewhat aware of what life in Somalia was like. But actually living there was what made me have more appreciation for the life I had. 

I could never live in Somalia. The family I have there would always ask me whether I would move there. Whenever I'd politely say no, they'd say the same thing:

"This is your home, it's where you are from. You're whole family is here."

I'd feel conflicting emotions. On the one hand, Canada is where I grew up. I consider it my home. And life is a whole lot better here. Over there...there's a lot of things that I just cannot tolerate. For example, men are like kings. They don't do ANYTHING within the home. As one cousin (who is close to my age) bluntly told me:

"As long as a female is in this home, I'm not stepping one foot into the kitchen nor will I do any work here. I'm a man. You people from outside who expect a man to clean and cook are sick in the head".

It just sounds so freaking arrogant to be true doesn't it? Well it's true. And he wasn't kidding. It just makes me so mad to hear that arrogant crap. Oh and men eat first. Women and girls eat what is left over. And if a woman is on "vacation" and isn't fasting? She is expected to wake up, place a mat on the floor for the men to sit on, get into the kitchen, place the ALREADY COOKED food which is WARM into plates and get the thermos of tea and cups and milk and sugar and whatever else and place it in front of the men to eat. Like their servant. I don't understand that. The men would actually go hungry and skip suhuur and fast without having eaten if there is no woman to bring their plate of food. Because they absolutely cannot step into the kitchen.

If that's not bad enough, women are harassed at the beach. I'm talking about young women who go there without a grown man with them. And they must stick close to the grown man they are with. Otherwise they will face GUARANTEED sexual harassment/assault from young men. Rape even. I just don't get it. Women in other countries are dressed in bikinis at the beach and don't face constant sexual harassment/assault. But over there, while dressed in a JILBAAB, a young woman has to fend off hordes of horny men who want to touch her private places. Seriously, what the f***?! It's so terrifying and infuriating. Gosh. I can't even talk about this without getting pissed off and emotional.

HOWEVER! There WERE some things I liked:

-Meeting so many family members especially my grandparents!

-Improving my Somali

-Eating fresh food everyday

-Learning to cook over a fire

-Washing dishes while sitting on a stool. No backaches!

-Not having to wipe the table. People eat on the floor. Just take the mat and shake off any spilled food outside.

-Visiting baadiyo

-Herding cows

-Feeding and milking goats

-Learning to make rice. Finally!

Although I wouldn't say I had "so much fun", there were lots of good times and laughter with my family. That was the best part of my trip. And to be honest, this trip was good for me. I feel different...like I grew up despite being over 20. 

If there is anyone who had a different experience during their trip to Mogadishu, feel free to comment below.

Until next time!
