I must say that there's a bit of an ajanabi (non-Somali) craze going on these days especially among the girls. It's quite prevalent among many masaajid girls. Once a white man converts to Islam and becomes a regular in the masaajid (mosque) they're all over him! This bothers me. In addition, there a lot of stories going around about Somali girls who have been divorced by their ajanabi husbands; the parents like to say this happened because the husband wasn't Somali. Now, before y'all start the accusations, let me inform you that I am not an ajanabi hater. Neither am I a person who strictly stays with their "own kind"; race and/or culture is of no concern to me. Rather, this post is my sincere advice to my abaayo, my sister in kinship, or even to any other non-Somali woman, who is about to marry or is interested in someone who is ajanabi. My advise is based on the experiences of others and myself. So. About to marry an ajanabi? Interested in ...