So I came across this scene from Jesus of Nazareth : Look at the women...and how they're dressed. OH MY GOD! THEY LOOK LIKE MUSLIM WOMEN!!!! WHAT IS GOING ON?! Please, have a seat. Have a cup of tea and allow me to enlighten you. Be honest with yourself. Do those women from the film look any different from these women?: Admit it. You know they don't. Yet...the hijaab is such a strange concept for many non-Muslims when it shouldn't be - especially for Christians and Jews. Sometimes when I walk down the street people stare at me. Sometimes people will ask me why I wear it and it's just so foreign and alien to them. When I was 10 years old, my family moved to a small city that wasn't very multicultural. Forget the fact that there were very few Black students in the school. My sisters and I were the ONLY students in the ENTIRE school who wore the hijaab. I remember my first day of school like it was yesterday. ...